Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron
With all the baby food options on the grocery store shelves it can be hard to know what to feed your baby these days. Different brands, different stages, organic, snacks, full meals, there are so many options. What would your baby eat if it weren’t for the stocked grocery store shelves?
Homemade baby food is EASY!
I may make that statement a couple of times before I am done.
One of my favorite baby books is “Super Baby Food”, by Ruth Yaron. Every time one of my babies was ready for food I reached for this book. With my first son, now 9 years old, I did not know what quinoa or tahini were, and hummus was not a weekly staple as it is now.
I found myself reading it once again after my third son turned one and found it even more useful than I did the last time I read it. It is not necessarily written for vegans or vegetarians, but if you were this book would be perfect for you. There are recipes, some vegan or easily made vegan, a guide of what foods to give baby and when, a guide for a “super baby diet”, along with money saving tips and an extensive food reference. There is also an extensive list in the back of how much nutrient value is in each food.
Homemade baby food is EASY!
For the vegan or vegetarian family or baby, page 514 lists High Protein Plant Food Combinations and page 526 gives a list of foods that “naturally complement each other for additional protein.”
I highly recommend this book to anyone with babies or children. Homemade baby food is EASY!